We’ve received many requests for a membership program here at CAL, and have thought through all the benefits we can provide for our artistic community. Our focus will be to develop and maintain a self-organized cohort for artists of all disciplines. Please read on for more details of our program and how to apply. If you don’t consider yourself an artist but want to support CAL’s mission, we welcome donations in any amount.
Click here to apply for CAL membership
About Artist Memberships
The CAL artist community consists of all active CAL tenants, active members of the Arts Resource Association, and creative artists (students and professionals) in the community who are current on their annual dues.
Membership Benefits include opportunities to:
- Exhibit (and sell) work located in the first floor Members Gallery*
- Sell work at pop-up Buyer’s Square marketplace during Artwalk*
- Design and teach classes and workshops (about art, PR, grants, taxes, business)*
- Participate in classes and workshops at discounted rates **
- Facilitate and/or participate in art/community meet-ups
- Facilitate and/or participate in critique/feedback sessions
- Volunteer to support CAL and earn better commission rates and discounts
- Make suggestions (and help develop) new programs, outreach, etc.
- Explore grant opportunities under CAL’s umbrella for fiscal sponsorship
* Members commission rate (for sales, and teaching) is 65% (35% to CAL).
Working members (volunteer 3-5 hours a quarter) commission rate is 70% (30% to CAL)
**Class fee discounts for members and working members.
Membership dues
$36/year as of date of payment. Applications reviewed on a rolling basis.
Membership Eligibility
CAL welcomes creators of any artistic discipline (students, hobbyists and professionals) to apply for membership. Current studio tenants of CAL and current members of ARA are automatically qualified for CAL membership.
At minimum, you must:
- Be a currently practicing artist (hobbyist, amateur or professional) in one or more disciplines, including fine arts, graphics, crafts, maker-arts, language and performing arts, etc.
- Be 16 years old or older
- Reside in Vermont
- Support CAL’s Mission
- Agree to CAL’s Code of Conduct
What is a “Working Member”?
Active members that contribute time towards supporting the membership program, or support CAL through specific projects, will be considered a “working member,” if they contribute 3-5 hours per quarter (every three months).
While CAL welcomes higher levels of volunteer participation, any hours contributed over 5 per quarter will be considered uncompensated volunteer time and will not accrue into the future.
Working Member Duties
To fulfill the required “working member” hours, contribute what you can, when you can! Below are links to some of the current volunteer opportunities at CAL. Please sign up if something here interests you. Please be in touch if you don’t see something listed that you would like to help with.
About The Center for Arts and Learning
The Center for Arts and Learning (CAL) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit located in Montpelier, dedicated to fostering an arts community for everyone. We do this by offering private studios, gallery exhibits, fiscal sponsorship and arts programming. We are located at 46 Barre Street in Montpelier, which serves as the permanent home of CAL’s founding partners, the Monteverdi Music School and the T.W. Wood Gallery and Arts Center.
CAL Membership Contact
Preya Holland, CAL Membership Coordinator: preya@cal-vt.org
Phayvanh Luekhamhan, CAL Executive Director: director@cal-vt.org