About CAL Events
Members may host events under the CAL umbrella as they wish, in accordance with the following criteria:
Types of events
- Your event may be an art lesson, a discussion related to the art business or critique, a networking or casual meet up. Other event ideas are welcome.
- CAL will not facilitate political activities such as lobbying or campaign fundraising.
- Events may be open to the general public, members-only, and/or charge a fee.
Event Guidelines
- Events shall follow the CAL Code of Conduct and event best practices
- Revenue generating/revenue sharing events shall stick to an event budget and go through CAL accounts.
- All events shall be mission aligned with CAL’s work in developing an arts and arts learning community.
- Event organizers are responsible for meeting goals and filing a post-event survey.
Volunteer Opportunities and Expectations
This person or group is the lead contact for the event and will be responsible to CAL for the planning and execution of the event. Depending on the event, this could entail: securing teachers, drafting publicity materials, gathering supplies and refreshments, organizing volunteers, soliciting donations or sponsors, establishing a budget, and post-event reports. Each person in this group can expect to work between 2-5 hours, depending on the tasks.
This person or group is required to staff the event and could include pre-event setup and/or post-event cleanup. This role reports to the event organizer. This may involve standing and interacting with the attendees. Shifts are expected to be between 2-5 hours per event per person.
Teacher or Presenter
This person is the teacher or presenter for the event (as needed). They will prepare the lesson, provide materials or materials list as well as be actively present during the event to share their expertise. Class time: about 2 hours. Prep time: up to 3 additional hours. Total 3-5 hours.
Teachers and presenters may be paid for their class time if the event collects a fee or sponsorship to cover it. Paid positions may not count hours towards their volunteer time.
CAL Support
- Social media exposure & general publicity
- Registration prior to the event
- Attendance Records
- Pre & Post event communications with attendees & the public
- A dedicated space and bathrooms
- Supplies: pens and notepads, name badges,other materials
- Light decorations
- Background music if desired
To volunteer, please contact Preya Holland: preya@cal-vt.org