Montpelier’s downtown organization, which has produced the bi-monthly Montpelier Art Walk events for decades, offers the management of the program to The Center for Arts and Learning (CAL), a nonprofit arts center located within the walkable downtown. 

“I’m excited to expand CAL’s programmatic offerings by adding Montpelier Art Walk to our works,” said CAL executive director Phayvanh Luekhamhan. She previously managed the program as a volunteer for Montpelier Alive over ten years ago. “In a way, it’s like picking up a paintbrush again after a long time away,” she said. “I love working with the volunteer committee, many of whom I’ve worked with before.”

Katie Trautz, of Montpelier Alive, the downtown organization that had managed the program, states, “As Montpelier Alive grows capacity to meet the community need this year, we are seeking partners to help ensure our events continue. We know Phayvanh, and the Center for Arts and Learning, will uplift Artwalk and bring new life to this beloved event.”

The Montpelier Art Walk takes place on the first Friday of every even month between 4 and 8 PM in various venues in downtown Montpelier. In 2024, the program guide will also include listings for music, performance, classes, and other cultural opportunities. Montpelier Alive remains a sponsor of the program. 

“I see this as a local cultural resource,” Luekhamhan said. “Downtown Montpelier is dense with creativity across many disciplines. I hope that this guide can represent that.” She hopes as well that the regular events encourage patrons to purchase art work and support the economic viability of local artists.

She still plans to display work in the two galleries at CAL. Located at 46 Barre Street, the facility is the permanent home of the Art Resource Association (a nonprofit arts group) and also hosts solo shows. Organizational partners the T.W. Wood Gallery and the Monteverdi Music School also take part in Montpelier Art Walks. 

“There are many venues on Barre Street that regularly participate in Art Walk, and I see a lot of potential to celebrate the district’s revitalization. It makes a lot of sense that Montpelier Art Walk’s new home is with CAL,” Trautz said. 

For more information about Montpelier Art Walk: or

Exhibit: Separations | Migrations

The summer show in the second floor Community Gallery features works in conversation around forced migration and the emotional trauma of family separation. Centered around Deborah Goudreau’s Separation Series, the exhibit includes visual art from Sarah Ashe, Holly Hauser, Lisa Myers, and Jeremy Vaughn. Additional text and a display of family relics fill out the show, curated by CAL director Phayvanh Luekhamhan.

Migrations 1, Sarah Ashe

Separations | Migrations opens in June and will be on show through mid August, with a closing reception during Montpelier’s August Art Walk. Goudreau is a potter and clay artist based in Hinesburg.

‘Despair’, from the Separation Series, Deborah Goudreau

“This country has a long history of separating children from their families. During the 200 years of slavery, children were sold apart from their parents; Native American children were abducted from their homes and sequestered in residential schools; and more currently, migrant children are being separated from parent(s),” Goudreau writes in her description of the nine water-filled clay vessels on display. The immediacy of the emotions depicted in her work are complemented by the visual elements, which both globalize and localize the issues of forced migration.

Meet the artists during the summer Art Walk receptions. All work is for sale, please contact Phayvanh Luekhamhan to inquire:

Join us

Show Event:
Opening Reception

Closing Reception

June 3, 2022, 5-7 PM

August 5, 2022, 5-7 PM

“Tracking Time Through COVID” with Liz Le Serviget

Middlesex-based painter Liz Le Serviget’s solo exhibit at The Center for Arts and Learning’s Member Gallery, Tracking Time Through COVID, is a colorful visual journal of the artist’s everyday life since shutdown. It features cards, reflections, portraits and a diaorama.

Some of the many painted cards that Liz made during her isolation.

As part of the show, the artist invites viewers to mark their passage through COVID with her. Offering blank books, cards, colorful markers, participants can log the books they’ve read, and or mark a date on their own pandemic timeline.

Le Serviget says of the origins of this show, “Each day since mid March 2020,  I have been creating a 2“ x 3“ watercolor painting along with several words that describe an experience, activity, new event, mood, conversation, observation, appreciation, challenge or anything else that has left its mark on that particular day, setting it apart from other days that seem to be melting into each other.”

Show us what books you read and thoughts or ideas you had during the pandemic.

Since everyone experienced the pandemic differently, the artist  invites the viewer to add to the collective record of our time together. The exhibit and the interactive installation is on display in the first floor Members Gallery at the Center for Arts and Learning.

We are located at 46 Barre Street and are open M-F 8-5, S/S 10-4. For more information:

Join us at CAL

Show Event:
Opening Reception

Closing Reception

June 3, 2022, 5 -7 PM

August 5, 2022, 5-7 PM

To purchase form this collection, please contact Phayvanh Luekhamhan:

We’re #120 on the Vermont Open Studio Map! May 28-29, 2022

Center for Arts and Learning joins Vermont Open Studio Memorial Day Weekend 🎨

TL;DR Visit the Center for Arts and Learning during Open Studio and meet artists Liz Le Serviget and LynaLou Nordstrom. CAL boasts two galleries and curated hallways.


Montpelier’s nonprofit community arts hub, the Center for Arts and Learning (CAL), located at 46 Barre St in Montpelier, VT will take part in the Vermont Crafts Council’s 30th Spring Open Studio on Memorial Day weekend. Doors are open to the general public on May 28 and 29 from 10 am to 4 pm.

“Faces”, from Liz Le Serviget’s Tracking Time Through Covid show

Studio artists present will be painter Liz Le Serviget (B1) and printmaker LynaLou Nordstrom (B5) in the lower “Underground Gallery” space. Come see their work, visit with the artists and if inclined, purchase their work. 

A print from LynaLou Nordstrom’s collection

Le Serviget’s exhibit “Tracking Time Through COVID” is displayed upstairs in the Members Gallery on the first floor. It’s a watercolor and oil timeline of her daily life since March 14, 2020, featuring cards, reflections, portraits and an interactive piece. 

“Horror”, from Deborah Goudreau’s Separation Series

The second floor Community Gallery features Separation Series, a meditation on family separation via water-filled clay vessels by Deborah Goudreau. Wall art by Jeremy Vaughn, Lisa Meyers, and Sarah Ashe round out the Separations and Migrations exhibit. 

OTHER ART AT CAL: The first floor hallway and a portion of the Underground Gallery is curated by the Art Resource Association (ARA), a membership group of Central Vermont artists. 

CAL’s partner the T.W. Wood Gallery and Museum will also be part of the Open Studio event.

There’s much to see during Open Studio at CAL. Opening reception for all shows will take place during Montpelier Art Walk, Friday June 3rd from 5-7 pm

ABOUT CAL: The Center for Arts and Learning is Montpelier’s nonprofit arts hub, featuring gallery space, private art studios, and is the permanent home of the T.W. Wood Gallery and Museum and the Monteverdi Music School. It is located at 46 Barre Street and is open M-F 8-5, S/S 10-4. For more information:

ABOUT OPEN STUDIO: The 30th Annual Vermont Spring Open Studio Weekend, is held during Saturday and Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend, May 28 & 29 from 10 – 5 each day. It gives shoppers, visitors and collectors the opportunity to plan a tour that brings them through the small towns of Vermont to studios where they can purchase beautiful well-made things and talk with the artist that made them. Open Studio is a project of the Vermont Crafts Council. CAL is stop #120 on the map. 

Photos: Art Walk April 1, 2022

We had a great time at last Friday’s Art Walk. Here are few pictures from the event, featuring PoemCity, Art Resource Association, Cardboard Teck Instantute, and the T.W. Wood galleries. Thanks to our friend Carty for the photos. 📸

Don’t miss us on the next Art Walk, June 3rd. See you then! 🗓️

Also: for everyone who came by the next day for Liz LeServiget’s art sale benefitting Ukraine, she was able to send off $800 in donations. Thanks to art buyers one and all. 💖

Let’s Collage About it: A Community Exhibition Opens February 4, 2022

Center for Arts and Learning presents Let’s Collage About It, a community exhibition of contemporary collage art by 15 Vermont artists. The exhibit includes a variety of collage techniques by artists of different ages and mediums. The exhibit is curated by artist Jess Quinn.

Featured Artists: Kristin Bierfelt, Liz Buchanan, Katherine Coons, Anne Cummings, Elizabeth Dow, Ren Haley, Holly Hauser, Lily Hinrichsen, Jean Kelly, Jess Quinn, Rachel Marie Rodi, Cariah Rosberg, Anne Sarcka, Peggy Watson, Olivia White.

The public is invited to attend the opening reception, to be held as part of Montpelier’s Art Walk on Friday, February 4th, 2022 from 5-7 PM in the 2nd floor Community Gallery. The Gallery is sponsored by National Life Group

Are You Made of Stone? by Kristin Beirfelt, Middlesex, VT
Sending An SOS To The World by Anne Cummings, Westford, VT

The show will be on display until April 15th, 2022. Viewing hours are Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM and 10 AM – 4 PM on the weekends. CAL is located at 46 Barre St., Montpelier, VT. The elevator accessible entrance is on Monsignor Crosby Ave. For more information about the exhibit and the artists, please visit

ABOUT THE VENUE: The Center for Arts and Learning (CAL) is the permanent home for the T.W. Wood Gallery and the Monteverdi Music School and serves as an artistic hub for Central Vermont, located in an historic building in Montpelier, Vermont’s capital. CAL is a nonprofit organization created to support the arts by providing studio space for artists, musicians, writers, and nonprofits.

Art Reception: Corrine Yonce

We are pleased to invite you to our next Montpelier Art Walk event: a reception with painter Corrine Yonce. Her large acrylic portraits of residents in affordable housing units has been on display in our second floor Community Gallery, sponsored by National Life Group. The reception will take place on Friday, Dec 3, from 5 – 7 PM. Light refreshments will be provided.

painting by Corrine Yonce

This exhibit, part of the Voices of Home project, was curated by the Vermont Folklife Center. Voices of Home is an audio-visual storytelling project launched in 2015 by Corrine Yonce when she served as an Americorps VISTA volunteer with the Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition.

This exhibit brings together work from two of Yonce’s collaborative efforts, Voices of South Burlington Community Housing and Voices of Decker Towers. Yonce envisioned Voices of Home as a way to “erase the stigma surrounding affordable housing communities and educate our friends and neighbors about the importance of a stable, reasonably priced home in helping people lead fulfilling lives.”

Through the project she interviewed residents in a number of Vermont affordable housing communities, engaged with them through their stories, and learned how having affordable homes impacted their lives. She recorded those conversations and subsequently paired the recordings with painted portraits of each interviewee.
